Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Story, Part 1

Mom says I need to write a story, so here goes. A few notes first: I call stories kangel when they're untitled; this is just what popped into my head, and I do not mean disrespect to any of my teacher or friends whose names sound alike. Alrighty then:

A girl sat at her table, pondering her dreadful and unavoidable fate. The dark skinned girl next to her nudged her. Carlie was the closest thing to a friend she had in this class, one of her other friends older sisters.
"Kangel, answer the question!" her Teacher called out. Ms. Hetris was a menace. Algebra might have been fun if it wasn't for her. She was always ruining Kangel's morning, but the class afterwards healed her so she was back to normal by lunch.
Kangel figured that she may as well answer truthfully, because if she lied Ms. Hetris would surely find out.
"I left my homework at home." She braced herself, but was still shaken [and a bit stirred] at the stream of insults that flew at her.
"You disgrace! How on earth did you get into in this class! If I could I'd have you kicked out! Suspended! Expelled! You miserable earthworm!..."
to be continued...